Saturday, December 27, 2008

Bad news for my "hips"

This is the latest view from my favourite seat at Starbucks. Clearly I am being tested. How long before I start drinking Cookies 'n' Cream Americanos? Don't ask, don't tell.


Yvette Stack said...

Wow, right across the street from Baskin and Robbins! You can take your coffee over there and buy a scoop of ice cream and put it in your coffee and make a float

Squeege said...

is there such a thing as a "coffee float"?
Thank you very much for my lovely Christmas present
Claire. Iove it, and it is such a pretty blue.
(my favourite colour) I will make good use of it,I promise.
I hope all remains well.
Take care, lots of love..xoxoxox

cayliedawn said...

hi friend.

i just had vanilla cokes with erica at dadeo, and we both missed you.

if you click on my name, you can read my blog and see what i've been up to too! i've been trying to post more often. i kind of dropped the ball last semester.
