Friday, October 1, 2010

Chris visited!

What better way to settle back in to Shanghai life than by showing a friend around town?  Chris and I struggled through beginner Mandarin together at the U of A, and he's been working in Beijing (sidenote: I. Love. Beijing.  The wide open skies, the cute cafés.  I strive to move there for awhile sometime, no matter what it would do to my blog title).  Now he lives in Wuhan, a mere six-hour train ride from Shanghai.  Well, not that mere.  Thanks, Chris.

So, we slammed down the fifteen-twos with a few games of crib; bought glasses and Feiyue shoes; stopped by the Hongqiao driving range; spent an uncharacteristic-for-me-but-actually-super-fun evening at a nearby hipster bar; and, you know, made sock puppets.  Iiiiiit was awesome.

Dinner at Wagas with Eric, Allison, and Chris' student Panda.  Yes, Panda.
  1. We're both trash-talking cribbage players, but only one of us got skunked.  It wasn't me.

Chris (left) watches his ball sail into the far fence.

Chris' new glasses match Colonel Sanders'.

Mom taught me how to make these, and now I'm kind of obsessed.  Chris' excitement almost eclipsed my own.  He made the one on the right, and is going is going to pressure his high school students to craft them too.

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