Mmkay, today's post is a post trilogy, because I've been up to so much lately that I didn't want to squeeze it into one entry. This way, you can read in installments, catching up with my latest cooking adventure, for example, and then grabbing a coffee and going to MEC and and eating Cheerios and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and other Canadian delicacies, and remembering the next day that you can still admire the flower selection at Shanghai markets and even
enter a contest!
I've taken a lot of pictures since coming here last fall, but I'm pretty sure this one sums up the challenges and contradictions of life in Shanghai better than any other. Best caption wins the weirdest prize I can find, but don't worry, I'll totes consider your personality and taste. All will be mailed lovingly to your home. Have fun!
Love, Claire
"Pleeeeeeeeease can we go home?! I can't bear to be seen in public like this like this!"
"I kept my part of the bargain; now where's my bone?"
Hey baby, forget this dude and his pretentious suit. Why don't you come hang out with a guy with REAL style. Don't make me beg...
"Mom, none of the other kids have tails and this much hair! Why didn't you wear an anti-radiation smock when you were pregnant with me???"
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