Sunday, March 29, 2009


Not to be down on my oven, but something's going very wrong with my trusty six-minute cupcakes. Total failed batches now = 3. The first one was no mystery: I accidentally used vinegar concentrate instead of vinegar (oh NO). But last night's two? What is going ON? I'm desperate for tiny chocolate cakes and all I get are overdense, weird aftertasty dough lumps! Any suggestions?

See below for the saddest pic in the world. My sole consolation is that the cupcake wrappers match my wastebasket.


Unknown said...

What about using an oven thermometer to see if the internal temp of your oven is what it should be?
I'm sure that it isn't your recipes that are wrong.
Good luck!

Hoostypo: How an owl asks about about grammatical errors - Hoostypo?

MS M. said...

Claire you make me lol all the time. That picture just cracks me up, but it IS sad.

Now the cupcakes - have you used the recipe before? Did you have to buy new cocoa or anything? Baking powder? When you say 'aftertaste', I suspect baking powder.

love your admiring auntie