Wednesday, March 11, 2009

And the winner is...

(winner sneakily revealed in photo, which unsneakily reveals the amount of fun I have running contests from my apartment)


On the excellent use of

"Undulating" - wow!

(Secretly, the word

has always made my skin crawl -
But love the haiku.)

Just send the address
To which your favourite book
Should be delivered!

Ahem. Back to the random syllables of everyday speech/text. Thank you, everyone, for your wonderfully entertaining and syllabically satisfying submissions! Maybe we'll do sonnets next time. Which would be perfect, because as you'll see tomorrow, I recently made a purchase so exciting that it deserves every manner of amorous poetry. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Yvette Stack said...

I'm..I'm speechless! Thsnk you so much for this great honor. The undulating trails were great and I didn't fall down once. Now am sitting in a hotel lobby waiting for cousin Ellen to arrive.Tomorrow we fly to Spain!